Broncos Trade Ryan Clady To The Jets

By trading Clady, the Broncos will gain $8.9 million in 2016 cap space while carrying $1.2 million in dead money from Clady’s remaining prorated bonuses.  This should give the Broncos something close to $10 million in 2016 cap space.

The Jets’ 5th round pick is #157 overall.  At this time, it is unclear which of the three of the Broncos’ 7th round picks (#228, #235, or #253) they gave up.

The NFL body – Achieving Your Goals


Some of the information below may be contrary to things you have read or heard throughout your life as it relates to fitness and health.  I will be happy to discuss those items with anyone who wants more info or have a friendly debate.  Keep in mind that many of the fitness or health topics you have read in your life are designed for one goal: to sell a product.  So take them with a grain of salt.


Let’s start with a paraphrasing of something John Fox use to say, “It takes a year to get an NFL body”.  To put this into some perspective he is not referring to you or me.  He is referring to a three to five year college player who has just entered the NFL.  In essence, he is saying that it takes a guy who has been weight training in some sort of football aspect since the age of sixteen a year to get an NFL body.

That is a significant amount of training before these individuals enter the NFL.  However, the coaching, dedication, and understanding of that training can vary wildly.  Except in extreme cases, these players are not solely focused on that training.  They have school, social lives, training not related to muscle building and other distractions along the way. Continue reading The NFL body – Achieving Your Goals

Top NFL Prospects: What Round Might They Be Drafted?

A final resource I will provide to everyone is a list of draft prospects, regardless of position, and the rounds it appears they are likely to be drafted.

Sterling Mallory Archer has done a good job starting off with a look at the Broncos’ draft needs on offense and plans to do one for defense, too. I will leave that area to him, but it is useful to look at which prospects might be drafted in what rounds, because that helps people get an idea about how the draft board may take shape when it’s time for the Broncos to draft.

I’ve only focused on the highest rated prospects per, which should encompass the bulk of the players who will be drafted in the first three rounds. The prospects I list are by no means the only ones who will be drafted in those rounds, and some of them may not get drafted until the final four rounds. But it will give you a rough idea about which players are likely to draw interest and at what points of the draft teams might consider them.
Continue reading Top NFL Prospects: What Round Might They Be Drafted?

It’s All Orange, Fat Man: 04/08/16 (Thread Edition)

Hey guys. Hope all is well.

I want to let you guys know that due to problems with the internet service at where I live, I am not able to create an It’s All Orange, Fat Man for today with links and everything else. So, I will go ahead and leave this up so that you guys at least have a thread to talk about happenings in the football world:

You guys are awesome! Sorry for the trouble.

NFL Draft: Team Needs And What Makes Sense

Along with knowing more about the picks each team has to work with, knowing what other teams’ needs are and what moves would make the most sense can help us determine who the Denver Broncos could be in position to select, assuming they don’t trade up.

I am still tinkering with my mock draft, but here is the draft order in the first round, the top needs for each team to fill and what I believe would be the best approaches for them to take in the first round. One team, of course, does not have a first-round pick (the Patriots) so they finish off the list with the approach I believe is best to take in the second round.
Continue reading NFL Draft: Team Needs And What Makes Sense