Tweet To Image Utility

If you’re having trouble posting tweets in comments, please read this post.

As many of you are now aware, Tweets are currently not displaying in Disqus comments.  From what I’ve read, there appears to be a dispute on whether Disqus or Twitter is to blame.  Either way, it’s not helpful to us as we approach training camp, and we’ll certainly be provided with tweets that may quickly tell us what’s going on.

So as a workaround until this gets sorted out, I’ve added a Tweet to Image Utility next to the Rich Editor.  If there’s a tweet you’d like to post in comments, open up this utility, paste the tweet URL into the first field, and in the second field, a URL will auto-generate from a site that will convert the tweet into an image.  Copy that URL and then paste it into your comment.

This workaround is not perfect: it may not convert attachments to the tweet.  But for the time being, it’s better than nothing.  Let’s hope this gets solved soon!