4th Annual Thin Air Mock Draft Challenge

Happy Draft Day, Broncos fans! As promised, here again is your opportunity to enter a 1st round mock draft for the chance to win… still nothing, just like the last three years. Sorry I’m so late getting this up. Evolving priorities have limited my time and interest in my usual pre-draft work. Nevertheless, I thought it would be fun to do this again.

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Biomechanical Review: Dwayne Haskins Update/ Revision

(To see the original top 3 QB article, click here)

When evaluating tape and building biomechanical profiles, there generally comes a point when the profile “clicks”- when predicting the outcome of a play changes from a matter of mystery to a matter of mechanics. While I reached this point with Drew Lock several weeks ago, I never truly reached this point with Dwayne Haskins- when continuing to review his tape, I would still find myself surprised with the outcome of certain plays. Given that I had carefully mapped 5 out his 6 major areas (anterior cervical/ thoracic/ lumbar and posterior thoracic/ lumbar), it was therefore clear that I had to focus my attention on Haskins’ posterior cervical area if I were to reach a satisfying biomechanical catharsis.

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