Month: August 2017
Orange Overview: August 25, 2017
Fantasy Football
I wanted to start this discussion thread before I left town in the morning. I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to check in this weekend, but I’ll try to answer any questions as quickly as possibly.
Orange Overview: August 24, 2017
Orange Overview: August 23, 2017
Orange Overview: August 22, 2017
Orange Overview: August 21, 2017
Film Study: Lynch @ SF 49ers
Hi there, dear friend reader and Broncos fan. As most of us should know by now, the QB battle in Denver is over. I did a film study on Paxton Lynch’s mistakes in the game against SF for Mile High Brasil, and decided to translate it and share it with you, since I believe the comment with the link will disappear and Google Translate isn’t reliable.